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Paint yourself into Zen - Mastery

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The Secrets to stop letting the outside world control you and your emotions. Clear your clutter with simple creative strategies

What you will learn
  • Weekly drawing program to build mental coping strategies
  • Weekly painting program to build mental resilience
  • Weekly inspiration to nourish your mind, body and soul
  • Build certainty and inspiration into your daily routine
  • The power behind colour and painting yourself into zen
  • Simple steps to be creative when you feel blocked and overwhelm.
  • Simple steps to creatively clear your mind through painting

  • Requirements
  • watercolour paints, watercolour paper (Art Materials to start provided)
  • thought journal
  • A positive attitude and patience with yourself to persevere and practise

  • Description
    This inspiring self mastery program takes you behind the power of colour, drawing and painting bringing you into a calm state of mind with certainty.
    The research and science of how learning how to paint, draw and colours has an impact on your choices and how it influences your creative productivity, leadership and relationships with ourselves and others in the world.

    Whether you are wanting to grow into a new area with your business or take your self mastery to the next level, this course is for you.
    Especially now during and after COVID, there have been drastic changes. External circumstances being out of our control, having to adapt quickly and come up with creative solutions.

  • If you have found yourself juggling home, work and time for you.
  • Changed routine drastically .
  • Feel you are ready to take your business to the next level
  • Forgetting to nurture and take time out for you.
  • Find yourself unusually snappy or tired.
  • Making decisions that are not always clear.
  • Find yourself working harder to remain calm whilst everyone around you is in chaos.

    This inspiring course will share how the research of 13 years has shown the impact on how to turn your life and decisions around quickly (without having to learn or start again and add more to your plate and routine).

    This course is for you to unlock your inspiration and certainty to stop you running around, juggling all parts of your life leading you to burn out.

    It's a complete package for exploring, developing, being creative as well as taking charge of your life.

    Save time with weekly inspirations to keep you living your life painting into zen.

    Here is a quick look at some of the sections in this course
    You will receive weekly drawing and painting techniques designed to keep your mind on track and start to build out the box thinking.
    These videos teach you how to identify triggers and turn around frustration quickly without feeling you are in therapy.
    You will also have a once a month one to one two hour session with Justine working through the techniques learned in the month and unlock your giant within whilst you manifest creative change and solutions within you and your environment

    Unlock the genius within with watercolour paints - simple and easy step by step instructions in our weekly tutorials - painting from beginner to advanced level

    Colours of change and certainty - learn all there is to know about the colour that can harmonise as well as change your direction of thought into calm.

    Course Highlights
  • Short, quick And Informative weekly Videos
  • 2 Hours of tuition (monthly) painting experience one to one
  • Aligning you within your zen
  • Justine's step by step demonstration & support.
  • Downloadable templates to choose from.
  • lifetime access
  • Ask questions and prompt get answers!

    Who this course is for:

  • Individuals who want to learn about colour, research into the arts and the mind. .
  • Business entrepreneurs, mindset coaches, people who work with the mental health industry.

    and for Individuals who:
  • Have found they have stopped normal activities instantly.
  • Changed routine drastically.
  • Overwhelmed going back to work or new changes.
  • Trying to juggle change.
  • Bring in back a new form of normality into your life.
  • Having to learn new skills, or begin again.
  • Have gone through a change and want to review their life and the directions you take.
  • Student Reviews

    Hi, I’m Lou, artist in training! 

    I’m hoping by sharing some of my journey with you that you too will experience this wonderful awakening of a passion and deep sense of fulfilment that lies within.

    Signing up to Justine’s Zen Mastery course really does have to be the best choice I’ve ever made for my own personal development. Six months into the programme and I am continually amazed by the art I’m creating using Justine’s easy to grasp techniques and methods.

    The weekly ‘how to’ videos start with the very basics of drawing shapes and practicing shading techniques which you soon realise are absolutely pivotal foundations for advancing both your drawing and painting skills.

    Week by week you build up your confidence with simple activities that produce some really spectacular results.

    I had no drawing or painting skills before joining the course and having always wanted to learn how to draw, but usually feeling very time poor, Zen Mastery appealed to me as the short videos and activities were a perfect fit for a busy working mum to squeeze in 10 minutes here and there throughout the week.

    Taking the time out every week has grown into a real passion over the months and I really feel I’ve found a lifelong hobby that has and I know will continue to bring me much more personal benefit the just being able to create art that I’m proud of.

    I’ve always found it hard to relax – as my husband would stay ‘can’t you just sit still for more than 5 minutes woman?!’ – always on the go… got something to do… Zen Mastery has given me an outlet that allows me to practice guilt free self-care, taking 5 minutes is no longer a problem for me!

    I’m now able to channel my restlessness through a new medium, I find myself caught up in a blissful state of flow where I’m completely absorbed with creativity.

    I really look forward to the monthly painting sessions with Justine. As well as sharing your art and getting a masterclass in technique, it’s an opportunity to take yourself away from your usual routine and let art take a focus on any aspect of life that you want to enrich or develop.

    Justine’s ability to cater the session to your specific needs is uplifting, her emotional insight is reassuring, and her warm personality is the perfect balance to help take you on the journey towards your Zen.

    Did you know there’s an almost magical world of self-healing that goes on in the brain when you open yourself up to art? Drawing helps you process whilst painting has an emotional dimension.

    I’ve used art in between meetings at work to produce some inspired results when I’ve needed to prepare for workshops, I’ve painted to get through emotional relationship difficulties, I’ve overcome decades of self-doubt in my ability to communicate and I’ve witnessed how my children have processed difficult news at remarkable speed when we’ve spent time at the kitchen table with paper and pens.

    I tell Justine every time we meet that I continue to be astonished by the art I’ve been able to create and the impact that it is having on my day to day living. It’s like I’ve found a lifelong balance I’ve been looking for and gained the perfect hobby at the same time!

    I really hope that you’ll find as much joy as I have in this course and wish you well in finding your Zen too! 


    Justine Van de weg

    Hi, I'm Justine. I started out learning art at my mother’s school in Capetown South Africa, but I began focusing on evolving skills for children to learn to draw quickly and in proportion. This helped me put together programs looking at how the brain integrates emotions, thinking processes, as well as how the specific step by step technical knowledge in drawing and painting art links to balancing the brain. I was invited to integrate my tutored programs since 2006 within settings from Children’s residential care homes, working with elderly in care, working with staff and their clients adapting to their additional needs, working within schools and with children, their families, working with individuals who had experienced extreme trauma, grief, bereavement and terminal illness (which are a few to mention). I now focus on giving skills to industries to use my programs and integrate with their industry focusing specifically on building entrepreneurial creativity, productivity and leadership. Read more about me here: